Via Buckinghamshire County Council Press Release 1915 30/11/2010:

Winter Plan in Action

As Buckinghamshire encounters the first of this season’s snow, Transport for Buckinghamshire is stepping up to ensure the roads are kept safe. They are currently salting 40% of the road network, equating to 1,375km and are on call 24 hours a day, ready to respond to changing weather conditions. Salt bins and heaps are provided at locations around the county and can be used for treating footways and unsalted roads, however they are not for private use.

TfB’s gritting teams have been working hard overnight to minimise disruption to traffic flows, however it is important that drivers are aware that roads may still be icy. Be prepared when travelling and carry with you in the car:

  • An ice scraper
  • De-icer
  • A torch
  • Warm clothes
  • Boots
  • A shovel
  • Suitable food and drink (water/energy bars etc.) A blanket A first aid kit

In snowy conditions travel only when necessary and allow more time for your journey. Updates on roads and gritting can be found on TfB’s Service Information Centre –, and follow a gritter on Twitter @tfbalerts for regular updates.

Remember to check on elderly or disabled neighbours during the winter. You could help clear their front path or driveway to help them out. You are also free to clear footpaths to help make walking in the snow and ice safer for all.

Valerie Letheren, Cabinet Member for Transport said: “Now that the first snow has fallen, it is important that we all take extra care on the roads. Our staff are dedicated to making the roads as safe as possible, but roads may still be icy. I would encourage all drivers to keep updated by visiting our Service Information Centre and report any problems with the roads by emailing”

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