1. If I hear the words ‘hard working families’ once more, I will scream! The Tory’s don’t care about ordinary people; they haven’t a clue what it is like to be hard working but still struggle to get by. House prices are too high (stoked by the government); rent is too high (as a result of the latter); tax is too high; energy prices are too high etc etc and you expect us to thank the Tory’s for the fact that 1.1M (allegedly) more people are in jobs that don’t pay enough to live on so that the likes of me have to be squeezed until the pips squeak to pay tax to pay benefits to those on the minimum wage. You couldn’t make it up!

    • Dear Nicky,

      Your critique of life today is a good one. I’m afraid you won’t like the posts I have scheduled throughout the week: they explain how the Government is helping hardworking families in various ways.

      I care very much about people who struggle to get by. I grew up in two households (one each side of my parents’ divorce) which did so, with one occasionally running out of food and money. It is why I have never shied away from putting the blame for the cost of living squarely where it belongs: with the well-intentioned but destructive interventions of government, not least in the market for credit. We at least agree on this in relation to house prices, but let no one pretend that problem began in 2010.

      The world has gone quite mad. It has done so thanks to entrenched faith in state power over social power. Matters will improve only when a majority of the public demand that governments of all colours largely withdraw from economic life.

      See my City AM article today for more: http://www.stevebaker.info/2013/12/for-city-am-its-time-to-end-the-cruel-delusion-of-cheap-money-and-reckless-spending/


      • Dear Steve,

        Thank you for replying to my comment.

        I totally agree the problems didn’t start in 2010. I detested Labour and I hope Gordon Brown will be remembered for the destruction he wreaked on this country.

        I had hoped that the coalition would be different but they are not. The national debt is still rising and although the deficit appears to be reducing annually, I believe this is smoke and mirrors. Instead of balancing the economy, consumer spending (as you say cheap credit) seems the governments only plan for growth.

        I am lucky, I bought my first house over 30 years ago and have done very well so should be rejoicing at the reports go rising house prices; I am not. I want my children to have the chances and the freedom I had. Sadly, I don’t believe they ever will. They will become debt slaves and easy to control; just as governments of all creeds require them to be in order to keep those they are puppet masters to, the banks, in control.

        I agree that the world has gone mad but is there any way to stop the monster that government has become from growing and growing until the whole economy implodes from the weight of global debt? Even if a majority of the public demand smaller government, all parties demand more and more control. Unless we have a party who will make the brave decisions required to give us freedom and make us take more responsibility for ourselves, there is no one to vote for. Even a revolution needs a leader and there is none.

        My comment and my reply make me sound very miserable; I am not, I am very happy with my lot; I just want my children to be too.

        Good luck in spreading the word re the delusion of cheap money and reckless spending.

        Kind regards,
