House of CommonsA detestable practice has arisen in our country which is illegal: abortions for the purpose of sex selection. It is a monstrous evil which must be stopped.

Today, my colleague Fiona Bruce is introducing a ten-minute rule motion as follows:


Up to 20 minutes (Standing Order No. 23)

Fiona Bruce

That leave be given to bring in a Bill to clarify the law relating to abortion on the basis of sex-selection; and for connected purposes.

I strongly support Fiona’s Bill. In fact, we believe it will attract near universal support in the Commons.

However, as Fiona will explain, the situation in the country requires clarification. We do not want to have the bill introduced on the nod. We want to force a vote.

A vote cannot be held without tellers for both sides. For that reason, and that reason only, I have agreed to act as a teller for the noes. If we are to save the lives of unborn girls who might otherwise be aborted, we must make it clear that the House of Commons is united against this abominable practice.

I understand I will be joined by Gary Streeter MP, the Chair of Christians in Parliament.


  1. Fiona Bruce MP

    I would like to send heartfelt thanks to Steve for making today’s vote possible. MPs rarely vote on 10 minute Rule Bill motions. In order to ensure that a vote was allowed by the Speaker, we needed someone to oppose the Bill. Steve is among the most fervent defenders of the unborn in the Commons. If he hadn’t agreed to become a teller for the noes, we wouldn’t be looking at one of the most comprehensive results in recent memory.

    Thank you Steve.

    Fiona Bruce MP

  2. Rev Hugh Ellis

    Many thanks Steve for ensuring such a clear and strong response. I have forwarded this to my ecumenical links and partners. I expect that they would be right behind you on this one.

    With my prayers and respect.