I chose to attend the King’s Church High Wycombe this morning as an individual, for no particular reason. It was their Vision Sunday, when the Church sets out its plan for the year ahead.
I wouldn’t have blogged about it but for this event with Major General Tim Cross on Wednesday 3 Oct at 19:30 at the King’s Centre:
Tim Cross is a retired British Army officer and military logistics expert. He has commanded at every level in various countries and was responsible for a division of 30,000 from 2004 until 2007.
He led the NATO response to the humanitarian crisis following the war in Kosovo, and was awarded a CBE for his work there. Tim is now director of two aid agencies and a defence advisor to the House of Commons.
I have duties elsewhere in Wycombe on the night, but I should think it will be a good evening for anyone interested in relevance of contemporary Christianity.