Took Beth around the island in this misfiring Suzuki: high around the mountain and into Nidri for lunch. Had a short powerslide in a few moments when it was running sweetly. A testament to the lack of grip on these Greek roads. Scenery beautiful throughout with endless twisting mountain roads.

Returned to Vasiliki to find people had been sailing in a force 6 this morning and that the cross-shore had kicked in, taking the wind to a force 8. The beach remains closed and I sit on the balcony watching the gale rage across the Bay. Still sunny though šŸ™‚

Last night’s party was great fun. Joe’s impromptu band did brilliantly. “My Generation” remains an anthem for every generation. I don’t know whether the irony is lost.

The Suzuki is back in the garage. They know very well what is wrong with it – I recall two years ago forcing him to fix up the motorbike he had loaned me – so we’ll see if he does anything with it overnight. My hopes do not run high.

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