Tracking was awesome: it’s about the only move that’s really powerful. The whole dive was fast. Pulled at 3500 feet, over the town with little wind. Did a radical turn and got twists at 1500 feet: thought about taking the reserve, but kicked them out and made it back to the DZ. Received a well-deserved brief period of additional instruction from DZ staff. Great flare though with a good run out 😀
Less was more with sidesliding. If I do it gently, I’m pretty good, but if I go for it, as I did, I loose the arch, the fine control and my heading. Passed through cloud, did a high five, tracked away and pulled at 3500. High wind circuit to land: had to crab backwards to 800 feet, raced downwind to 500 ft, and floated gently down with almost no forward movement from 300 ft. Good flare to land, and boy is it breezy.
The “tramontana” wind is in now and we are grounded. Fingers crossed for later and tomorrow. Three more jumps and I should have FS1 so I can jump with others 🙂
As you can see, I’m pretty pleased with myself.