The 950 Supermoto was bought in August 2007 at about 13000 miles to commute from near High Wycombe to Canary Wharf, daily, a journey of around 43 miles each way. The route consists of a short country stretch, town, motorway and crossing central London. Journey times were consistently 1 hour 30 on the way in, early, and 2 hours on the way out, with everyone else.
This mileage was carbon offset with Clear Offset, at reasonable cost. I often wondered “why bother?” when considering the tens of thousands of cars and lorries making similar journeys around me, but that’s a subject for another time.
The bike has now done just under 22,000 miles, much of it in winter. It has needed a water pump, a clutch slave cylinder and a fuel pump. These are all well-known problems.
The suspension has gone from normal to sport and back to somewhere in between. Sport is harsh; normal a bit ordinary. Luggage and heated grips were a good idea.
Performance is excellent, and with no fairing, it’s easy and pleasant to stay legal (as of course, anyone should). It’s had a couple of short trips on dirt roads: the front brake is a trifle harsh, but the supermoto tyres were fine.
Overall, it is a great motorcycle in all conditions, if a bit miserable in the pouring rain. Perhaps a faired trail bike next…