Dominic Grieve, the shadow Justice secretary, will today make a hard-hitting attack on political correctness and the Government’s failure to question damaging aspects of multiculturalism. But he also admits that the Right has so far failed to credibly address some of those issues.
Speaking at Queen Mary, University of London, he will characterise the decade of this Labour Government as:
“A decade of ranking people as members of neatly categorised ethnic, religious or social groups, rather than treating everyone as an individual in their own right; a decade of courting self-appointed heads of minority groups and pandering to special interest lobbies, ignoring the range of opinions and depth of diversity in modern Britain; and a decade of stifling difficult debate, under a blanket of political correctness, that marginalises those ill at ease with prevailing dogma or accepted ‘progressive’ wisdom.”
Update: the full text of Dominic Grieve’s speech is here — The Conservative Party | News | Speeches | Dominic Grieve: Multiculturalism – A Conservative vision of a free society:
That is why I have set out a Conservative vision: a vision based on limited state interference in our freedom, the role of the past in shaping our present identities’ the strength that lies in the common sense of individuals living out their lives in common and strict limits on State prescription and interference.
The imposition of state devised models will fail and the biggest challenge for politicians and academics alike is to recognise that this is the case.