David Cameron writes, in the Guardian, four articles on reforming politics:

The public reaction to the political crisis over MPs’ expenses is far too serious to be assuaged by any instant package of measures, or even the sight of MPs paying the price for unethical behaviour. I think the British people’s fury at politicians today indicates a much deeper problem in our political system, that’s been growing for years. That’s why the Guardian’s A New Politics debate is so important. It’s vital we examine the deeper political problems Britain faces, and consider all potential solutions. And while I think much of the recent excited talk of “revolution” is overblown – we need to keep a cool head and a sense of proportion – we mustn’t let ourselves believe that a bit of technocratic tinkering here, a bit of constitutional consultation there, will do the trick. No, this crisis shows that big change is required. We do need a new politics. We do need sweeping reform. But we’ve got to get it right.

via A new politics: We need a massive, radical redistribution of power | David Cameron | Comment is free | The Guardian .

See also:

Time for change? Certainly – it’s past due and this is the right stuff.

Watch the speech:

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