As readers may know, I don’t sign EDMs, but I would draw your attention to EDM 871, in relation to current EU developments:
That this House notes that there are increasing demands from France and Germany for a new European Union Treaty; further notes that the European Parliament itself has now proposed a 5.9 per cent. increase in the European budget; further notes that the United Kingdom Parliament on Wednesday 13 October 2010 rejected the increase; further notes that the EU Budget Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski is proposing a European tax; recalls that the Coalition Agreement is committed to a referendum on `any proposed future treaty that transferred areas of power, or competences’; calls on the Government to make it immediately clear to France and Germany, to the European Commission and to the European Parliament that the United Kingdom will reject a European tax and an increase in the EU budget and EU economic governance over the UK and will veto any such treaty; and reasserts and reaffirms the United Kingdom rebate and the sovereignty, in practice, of the United Kingdom Parliament, about which the European Scrutiny Committee is holding an inquiry.