Hospital picture with link to HansardVia Buckinghamshire County Council, news of an important inquiry and a story to which we will return:

How are we doing with urgent healthcare in Bucks?

A council select committee working group is set to investigate the state of urgent healthcare in Bucks, and it’s asking the public to come forward with questions for the committee to put to the NHS managers who commission the services.

Buckinghamshire County Council’s Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee (HASC) has the responsibility of calling to account the county’s health services, and part of this remit is make sure that urgent healthcare services in the county are fit for purpose.

Urgent healthcare refers to all NHS services that are accessed by the public without a prior appointment, and includes the 111 telephone service, GP out-of-hours services, 999 emergency call services, ambulance services, and the A&E and minor injury units that receive urgent cases as part of the ‘urgent care pathway’ in Bucks.

Cllr Lin Hazell, the chairman of HASC said: “Our role is to hold the health service accountable to the people of Buckinghamshire, so we’re asking members of the public to suggest any questions they would like us to ask the NHS managers responsible for the county’s urgent care services.

“Questions might be in relation to the urgent care services on offer outside of hospitals or any of the hospital units that receive urgent cases in Buckinghamshire. The issue may or may not relate to personal experience. The cut-off date for questions is 23 January, and the email address for letters is”

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