Via Hansard by MP, my contributions since Christmas in the Commons chamber over a range of subjects:

13 January 2015

Charter for Budget Responsibility

Grammar School Funding [Westminster Hall]

Topical Questions (Health – urgent care)

12 January 2015

Topical Questions (Defence – nuclear deterrent)

5 January 2015

Regionalising Police Forces

Contributions in the Treasury Select Committee are available separately.

On health,Ā a helpful direction of travel is emerging which I indicated in my topical question:

Steve Baker (Wycombe) (Con): As it becomes increasingly obvious that the public insist on receiving urgent care in a hospital setting, will the Government move to incentivise the delivery of a new generation of urgent care centre, as specified in the end of the phase 1 report on the urgent and emergency care review?

Mr Hunt: I have visited my hon. Friendā€™s local hospital. I commend him for his interest and I commend the hospital for the remarkable turnaround. From being a hospital in special measures, it has done extremely well. We want to implement the proposals in that review and we want also to make sure that for the oldest and frailest people there are alternatives that mean that they do not have to visit hospital.

I will write further about where I see things going but, for the moment, the relevant NHS England paper is here (PDF).

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