Despite the many hills in and around Wycombe, I know that cycling is an ever increasing pastime for many people around our town as well as in the nearby Chilterns. However, many of us will have been concerned to readĀ about some recent casesĀ involving reckless cycling and driving, and I am pleased that the Government has recently announced an urgent review into cycle safety.

The review will consider whether a new offence equivalent to causing death by careless or dangerous driving should be introduced for cyclists as well as wider improvements for cycling road safety.

You can read more about the review here . The review will be in two phases namely:

  • Analysing the case for creating a new offence equivalent to causing death or serious injury by careless or dangerous driving to help protect cyclists and pedestrians
  • A wider consultation on road safety issues relating to cycling. The consultation involves a range of road safety and cycling organisations, as well as the general public.

If you have an interest in this issue, I would recommend that you take part in the consultation. Further details of the review will be announced shortly by the Government.

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