What I have been up to this week #Working4Wycombe:
- Had a call with UK Weddings Taskforce to support the recovery of wedding businesses
- Put my name to a cross-party public letter to go to the Minister in support for the UK Weddings Industry
- Spoke in an Urgent Question on the Government’s plan for the reopening of educational settings, raising my support for the ‘Us for Them’ campaign and calling on the Government to reopen schools or quantify the harms and benefits of the school shutdown. To find out more about this brilliant campaign please go to www.usforthem.co.uk
- Continued working for the Covid Recovery Group, as Deputy Chair, to live with the virus and ensure covid-restrictions do more good than harm
- Joined a briefing call for MPs hosted by the Minister for Covid-19 Vaccine Deployment
- Recorded a podcast for the Conservative Friends of the Armed Forces
- Attended the UK Commemorative Ceremony for Holocaust Memorial Day to remember those who were murdered for who they were and to stand against hostility in the world
- Attended a Tea Room Surgery with the Immigration Minister to discuss casework on issues such as lapsed indefinite Leave to Remain due to coronavirus
- And as ever, met constituents virtually on a range of issues and took follow up action