It is great news High Wycombe has received £11.89 million from the Future High Streets Fund to help reshape and renew our town centre.
This substantial funding should help Wycombe’s long-term growth, by helping our Council transform our high street into a vibrant hub for generations, creating and supporting jobs. It will also set out to ensure future sustainability in the modern age where online shopping has soared and we need affordable homes.
I know Buckinghamshire Council is committed to making the public realm as good as it can be – it’s time to be proud of High Wycombe.
The coronavirus outbreak has meant the Council has had to look at its plans in a new light and risk assess again its proposals and ideas. These have been endorsed by the Government as ambitious but achievable.
Local officials have experience in town centre regeneration, and it is because of this track record the Government has awarded monies from the Fund to do even more.
To truly develop High Wycombe into a vibrant place to live and shop, with a long-term, sustainable future, I’d like to go further with lower business rates, fewer planning restrictions and properties returned to the private sector. Our town motto is “Industria Ditat” – industry enriches – High Wycombe has a long history of entrepreneurship, which should be treasured as the creative search to help other people and the basis of our prosperity.
I welcome this opportunity to renew and strengthen our High Street with Conservative principles and methods: we need not planning but the free market. I stand ready to help Buckinghamshire Council deliver that.