What I have been up to this week #Working4Wycombe:

  • Questioned the Chancellor about Budget 2021 & how it will affect my constituents in Wycombe
  • Met with the Minister for Employment to discuss the Kickstart Scheme & Plan for Jobs
  • Met with the Education Secretary with the 1922 Committee and raised London pay
  • Met with the Health Secretary to discuss the future of the NHS & the Health and Care Bill
  • Briefed by the Minister for Covid Vaccine Deployment
  • Briefed by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Govt on levelling up, free-ports & community renewal
  • Attended the APPG on HIV & AIDS on behalf of local people
  • Called on the Govt to invest Ā£50m over 5 years in a new MND Research Institute with the My Nameā€™5 Doddie Foundation: https://www.facebook.com/SteveBakerWycombe/videos/148516383792347
  • Considered the future for sustainable energy in our path to Net Zero in Wycombe
  • Discussed how fraud should be treated as a national security threat with a leading expert
  • Interviewed by The Sun for their new ā€œSociety Undergroundā€ videocast series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuPxJrHIedI
  • Worked through the Covid Recovery Group to beat the disease and reclaim our lives
  • And as ever, met with local individuals and businesses in Wycombe

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