What I have been up to this week #Working4Wycombe:
- Raised Pakistan being a Red List Travel Ban country and the volcano eruption in St. Vincent and the Grenadines with the Foreign Secretary
- Raised the plight of those excluded from Government coronavirus support schemes at Treasury Committee
- Stood against the proposed ‘Super League’ in solidarity with fans
- Arranged & attended a call with the Universities Minister for Buckinghamshire New University to be briefed on students returning to campus
- Attended the APPG Tamils AGM, APPG Kashmir AGM, and APPG Rights of Rohingya on behalf of constituents
- Supported the installation of Revd Ant Dixon at St Andrew’s Church
- Attended Ramadan virtual Iftars with Conservative Friends of Pakistan and Naz Legacy Foundation
- Briefed by the Health Secretary on the successes of our Covid-19 vaccination programme
- Worked through the Covid Recovery Group to beat coronavirus and reclaim our lives
- Led a Westminster Hall Debate on the UK’s accession to the CPTPP trade deal. You can read my opening and closing speeches via Hansard
- Campaigned for the local elections taking place 6th May #VoteConservative
- Met with the 1922 Executive
- And as ever, pursued a range of issues for local individuals and businesses in Wycombe