What I have been up to this week #Working4Wycombe:

  • Spoke in a debate on Israel and Palestine, asking what the Government is doing to achieve a two-state solution
  • Asked the Health Secretary about the criteria to achieve freedom from the regulations and dismantle the paraphernalia of pandemic management
  • Discussed the consequences of Covid restrictions with Andrew Neil on GB News
  • Voted against extending Covid restrictions and gave my reasons why
  • Met with students from Wycombe Abbey School to answer questions about being their Member of Parliament for Wycombe
  • Met residents at Amersham Hill Residentsā€™ Association on my vision for Wycombe
  • Congratulated the International Trade Secretary and her team for the quality and speed of the UK-Australian Trade Deal
  • Continued to highlight the cost of Net Zero
  • Briefed by the Health Minister on the latest Covid-19 measures
  • Applied for yet another PMQ and was unsuccessful in the ballot
  • Worked through the Covid Recovery Group to beat coronavirus and reclaim our lives
  • And as ever, pursued a range of issues, and made ministerial representations, for local individuals and businesses in Wycombe

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