I know people are concerned about Clause 9 in the Nationality and Borders Bill; the full text can be found here: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill/58-02/0187/210187v1.pdf

Or, a summary of the bill can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nationality-and-borders-bill-deprivation-of-citizenship-factsheet/nationality-and-borders-bill-deprivation-of-citizenship-factsheet

This summary includes the main reasons for depriving citizenship as well as outlining the changes to the existing powers.

In order to protect this country, the Home Secretary has the power to deprive someone of their British citizenship where it would not render them stateless. This is not a new bill and the Home Secretary has had this power since 1914, including throughout Labour Governments.  

With regret, reckless and irresponsible politicians and opponents of the Government and mine have been telling lies about Clause 9 of the Nationality and Borders Bill. Let me be clear,Ā Clause 9Ā of this Bill does notĀ changeĀ theĀ basis on which people canĀ be deprived of their citizenship, only how they are given notice.Ā This could be in a case where there is no way of communicating with the individual, for example if they areĀ fighting for Daesh in Syria.Ā Ā 

I will be speaking with the Rt Hon David Davis MP about his concerns and his amendment (amendment 12) which removes Clause 9 in its entirety, and I am open to hearing arguments from my constituents about this too. However, the underlying power is longstanding and I think the amendment on notice is justifiable. 

It is vital for national security that the powers within the Nationality and Borders Bill are effective and I support the Government in ensuring this is the case.  

I regret the reckless approach taken to these provisions by some politicians who ought to know better.Ā 

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