What I have been up to this week #Working4Wycombe:

  • Met with Bucks Fire Authority for an update on their work protecting #Wycombe
  • Met with the Chief Secretary to the Treasury to argue for better public services in #Wycombe
  • Celebrated #Diwali, the celebration of light and colour, with my constituents
  • Called on those who are able to donate to Wycombe Homeless Connection’s Winter Appeal, to make sure no one has to sleep rough this winter
  • Met with Dr Evans-Lacko of the London School of Economics to discuss children’s mental health in #Wycombe
  • Facilitated a meeting between modern slavery charity Justice & Care and my constituency casework team
  • Attended the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils, of which I am a member, to hear from Tamil Guardian
  • Launched the Hansard Society’s event for its review into delegated legislation
  • As ever, pursued a range of issues, and made ministerial representation, for local individuals and businesses in Wycombe

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