Over the past year, residents and local businesses have been raising their concerns about litter and rat issues across the town. Walking through a clean and tidy town instils pride in all of us. It is something we all want for Wycombe.

I know that the bottom of Castle Place, where it joins Castle Street, has been referred to by some as the Rat Restaurant. Wycombe’s human residents will be pleased to know that Bucks Council has taken great steps to address these issues.

I thought local people might like an update as to where the Council has been focusing its efforts.

The Council’s Environmental Health team is engaging with businesses in our town’s centres, offering advice as to leaving premises clean and tidy, and dealing with litter appropriately. Several businesses near the Churchyard have begun, as a result, to commission their own rodent treatments. 

Speaking of All Saints Churchyard, just before Christmas the Council installed new bins alongside a litter-picking campaign, as well as subjecting the churchyard and memorial gardens to a 10-week rodent treatment. This has helped to bring the number of rats under control, but appreciating that there is more to be done, a further 10-week treatment has been commissioned.

Furthermore, following representations, the Council and others, Network Rail have recently completed a clean-up of the railway embankment and have thankfully reported no evidence of rodents. I know the Council will continue to engage with Network Rail and where necessary introduce treatment to the area.

It is great to see the Railway Embankment looking much better, with removed graffiti from the bridges and underpass, as well as fixed lighting.

Finally, the Council’s Neighbourhood team have engaged with all residential properties on Castle Street to give them advice about the proper disposal of rubbish and avoiding leaving bags out on a daily basis. I know progress is regularly monitored, and where necessary, enforcement action can be taken.

We all want a clean and tidy town. The issues that affect Wycombe affect many places across the country. I thank the Council for their sterling efforts in addressing the litter and rat issues that are blighting our town centre, and I will continue to press for progress.

If you would like to get in touch with me, please email: steve.baker.mp@parliament.uk. If you would like my help with a particularly urgent issue, please phone my constituency office on 01494 448408.

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