Post Tagged with: "Communism"

Met inspiring Wycombe students today

I met three bright young men this morning, two representing students at Bucks New University and one representing FE students at Amersham and Wycombe College. Our conversations covered tuition fees, Education Maintenance Allowance, social mobility, life chances, career prospects and related subjects. It was a real pleasure to have thoughtful, […]

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“Britain’s Road to Socialism”

From some people who need to read, as Hayek did, von Mises with a critical but open mind: The peoples of the world are confronted today with problems of enormous magnitude. These include the ever-growing poverty and widespread malnutrition and disease which afflict billions of the world’s six billion population; […]

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Bureaucracy, Communism and New Labour

Joseph Stalin in 1934, quoted here: Bureaucracy and red tape in the administrative apparatus; idle chatter about “leadership in general” instead of real and concrete leadership; the functional structure of our organizations and lack of individual responsibility; lack of personal responsibility in work, and wage equalization; the absence of a […]

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The tragic comedy of British communism

Idly wondering whether communism had died in the UK, I discovered The Communist Party of Great Britain and their paper, “The Weekly Worker”. This edition has a fascinating sidebar — “What we fight for” — which states first and foremost: Our central aim is the organisation of communists, revolutionary socialists […]

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The Russian Social Democrats

It was not without reason that the Russian Social Democrats, better known to history as the Bolsheviks, decided in November 1917 to call themselves “Communists”. And so “The Black Book of Communism” is proving an interesting read: But socialist revolution for Marx was not just a matter of economic development; […]

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