Post Tagged with: "Corporatism"

For your ease and convenience: car tax

Apparently, the ease and convenience of the online car tax system means that DVLA in 2007 took 25% more online every day than that retail leviathan, Tesco. Apparently: In July 2007, our Electronic Vehicle Licensing (EVL) service was awarded the Orange Best Use of Technology in Business Award (Wales & […]

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Carswell on Peston and Corporatism

Peston calls this the “new capitalism”.  This seems to be all about government overseeing big business and public policy-makers directing business.  Not much “new” about this idea, Robert.  It’s called corporatism.  And they tried it in 1920s Italy and elsewhere. via Douglas Carswell MP. It seems that, from generation to generation, […]

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Vauxhall in secret cash plea to save 5,000 jobs — Times

The Times has learnt that the vehicle manufacturer, which employs around 5,000 workers at plants in Merseyside and Luton, approached Lord Mandelson, the Business Secretary, last week along with other carmakers, to urge the Government to give guarantees offering financial comfort to its car-part suppliers and dealerships. read more | […]

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Lloyds TSB and HBOS merge

The Guardian: A £12bn takeover of Britain’s biggest lender, HBOS, failed to halt the deepening crisis in world financial markets last night, as a wave of fresh speculation on global stock markets saw two of Wall Street’s most prestigious investment banks targeted as the latest victims of the credit crunch. […]

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Hello 1984 – UK National Staff Dismissal Register to go Live

Workers accused of theft or damage could soon find themselves blacklisted on a register to be shared among employers. Innocent people could find it impossible to get another job if listed on the online database of workers accused of theft and dishonesty – regardless of whether they have been convicted […]

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