Via BBC News – Make foreign currencies legal in UK – Douglas Carswell: A Conservative MP is to call for a basket of foreign currencies to be made legal tender in the UK. Such a move would protect savers by allowing them to hold the currency least likely to be […]
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In other news, Direct Democracy
Yesterday, over lunch at the IEA, Douglas Carswell finally convinced me to support fully his Direct Democracy campaign. Taken as a whole, I believe his proposals would put power back in the hands of the people in a way that can today be scarcely imagined. For a flavour, watch this: […]
Read MoreCentreRight: Douglas Carswell leads the way on bank reform
On CentreRight, I explain that Douglas Carswell leads the way on bank reform: There is a doctrine which creates wealth and spreads it around. It is just and moral. It works. It is called capitalism and, today, in practice, there is very obviously something wrong with it. If one were to […]
Read More“The Plan: Twelve Months to Renew Britain”
After first reporting on the book here, I have finally returned to read it in detail; it is Cromwellian: ‘I find the country bleeding, nay, almost dying,’ Oliver Cromwell told MPs in 1644. what made him angry was not simply that people were suffering, but that Parliament was part of […]
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