In Gold Wars, Swiss banker Ferdinand Lips sets out the case that gold and freedom are inseparable. Over 254 pages, he shows how governments fight against gold, a vital restraint on their spending and therefore interventions in the lives of free people. It’s a case which ex-Federal Reserve Chairman Alan […]
Read MorePost Tagged with: "Federal Reserve"
Sometimes, a US presidential candidate inspires: “End the Fed”
There is no greater threat to the security and prosperity of the United States today than the out-of-control, secretive Federal Reserve. Imagine that parents, overwhelmed by debt and months behind on their bills, sent their spendthrift teenagers out each weekend for a night on the town with credit cards and […]
Read MoreIncompetence at the Federal Reserve
Via The Cobden Centre, astonishing remarks from the Federal Reserve Inspector General, who doesn’t know who received trillions of dollars from the Fed:
Read MoreIf this is Capitalism then I am a Communist — Samizdata
Do people remember the newspaper headlines every so often between 1987 and 2007? Specially the “Alan Greenspan saves the world” stories? Ever wondered what the great Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, had actually done? What he had done is as follows… read more | digg story
Read The Fed’s Failure
The Fed is making three kinds of bad loans. First, the Fed is lending to banks that are in bad shape and need the funds badly. They are simply bad risks. If the Fed were a profit-maximizing banker, it would not make such loans, throwing good money after bad. The […]
Read MoreContinuing a study of money
In continuing my sometimes-reported study of money, I have been reading Milton Friedman’s “Capitalism and Freedom”. After dismissing a thoroughly automatic commodity standard, chiefly on the grounds of practicality, Friedman moves on. Reviewing the establishment and effects of the Federal Reserve System, he writes: No sooner was the [Federal Reserve] […]
Read MoreTelegraph: “We will foot the bill for banks’ excesses”
Is it time for ordinary people to ask how the world’s system of money works? Consider the words of Wright Patman, a US democratic congressman and Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, 1963-1975: I have never yet had anyone who could, through the use of logic and reason, […]
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