Post Tagged with: "General Election"

Polling day

Voted early with Beth and, of course, for myself, which felt weird. I almost wanted to keep the ballot paper… Dashed off to get out the vote, then lunch with the team before trooping around the committee rooms and polling stations. We found a warm and welcoming atmosphere everywhere. Great […]

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Election campaign kicks off in Wycombe (From Bucks Free Press)

Via the Bucks Free Press, Election campaign kicks off in Wycombe: THE General Election got into full swing yesterday as candidates met voters in Wycombe. OLIVER EVANS speaks to the candidates and voters. The Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and the UK Independence Party canvassed voters within yards of each other as Labour went […]

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General Election 2010: public meetings

There are two main general election hustings meetings in Wycombe at which you can hear from the main candidates: All Saints Church, 18 Apr, 20:00 Bucks Free Press at Bucks New University, 27 Apr, 20:00 Hope you can make it.

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The General Election is finally called

Via David Cameron has welcomed the official announcement of the General Election date. The election is a choice between five more years of Gordon Brown’s tired government making things worse – or change with the Conservatives, who have the energy, leadership and values to get Britain moving again. Speaking […]

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