Post Tagged with: "Pensions"

A tax cut for over 26 million people

Via Share The Facts, new tax and benefit changes have come into effect: They’re the latest part of our plan to give more security to hardworking taxpayers. They include: Raising the level at which people start paying income tax to £10,600 – cutting tax for over 26 million people and […]

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The PM sets out the facts on public pensions

Via Hansard, the Prime Minister sets out the facts on public pensions at PMQs (emphasis mine): Let me just remind the right hon. Gentleman and the House of the facts about public sector pensions. Anyone earning less than £15,000 on a full-time equivalent salary will not see any increase in […]

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Today’s strike action is unjustified

The strike taking place today is not just a walkout, but a walking away from the negotiating table, where a good deal was rejected irresponsibly. The Minister for the Cabinet Office, Francis Maude, has said: “Tomorrow’s strike is inappropriate, untimely and irresponsible, especially while talks are ongoing. “We have listened […]

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Equitable Life Update

Recently, my researcher Tim attended the APPG on Equitable Life. The biggest issue discussed was that of pre-1992 policy holders who have been excluded from the compensation mechanism. The group heard from Honor Blackman, who is set to receive a full 100% compensation, while two other victims of the Equitable Life collapse […]

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Equitable Life (Payments) Bill: 14 Sep 2010

I spoke this week in the debate on the Equitable Life (Payments) Bill: I wonder whether Chris Williamson has been listening to the same debate as I have. I hope that his constituents do not read his speech in isolation, because in the debate to which I have been listening Government […]

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It’s worse than I thought

Professor Kevin Dowd blogs my speech in the budget debate for the IEA: By far the best contribution to the parliamentary debate on the Emergency Budget was by the MP for Wycombe, Steve Baker. Using impeccable analysis and respected (ONS and Bank for International Settlements) data sources, Mr. Baker painted […]

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Speech in the budget debate

Steve Baker (Wycombe) (Con): When I came to the House today, I expected to hear a great deal of Keynesian argument and I have not been disappointed. I am sorry that the hon. Member for Great Grimsby (Austin Mitchell) is no longer in the Chamber, as I wanted to congratulate […]

Read More – Longer life raises bill for taxpayers

The projected value of the state pension collapses in the face of the rising cost of public sector pensions: Billions of pounds have been added to the cost of unfunded public sector pensions as the various schemes from the NHS to civil servants, the armed forces and teachers have updated […]

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