Post Tagged with: "police"

Criminal Justice Bill – Tougher Sentences, More Police Powers, Cracking Down on Anti-Social Behaviour

Many Wycombe residents, understandably, remain concerned about crime, particularly anti-social behaviour and rural crime. I regularly speak to and work with our Conservative Party Police & Crime Commissioner Matthew Barber on local crime issues. Thanks to the concerted efforts of both the Government and Thames Valley Police, in the Thames […]

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Back Boris for 20,000 new police officers

Keeping our streets safe

It is the Prime Minister’s priority to make our streets safer. We are hiring 183 more police officers for Thames Valley Police by the end of 2020-21 as part of our target to recruit 20,000 more police officers over the next three years to cut crime and keep people safe.  […]

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Fighting Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Recently, my team and I attended a training session on modern slavery provided in Wycombe by Hope For Justice, a charity which aims to bring an end to modern slavery by rescuing victims, restoring lives, and reforming society. I remain truly shocked about the scale of the problem in the […]

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Acid Attacks: Response from the Minister for Crime, Safeguarding and Vulnerability

Following the despicable acid attacks that took place in Wycombe earlier this summer, I wrote to the responsible Minister about the need for tougher sentencing and consideration of the restriction of sales. I was very pleased to receive a response from the Minister for Crime, Safeguarding and Vulnerability. The Minister robustly stated the Government’s position […]

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Please help the police prosecute perpetrators of criminal damage in Wycombe

Offences of criminal damage continue sporadically in Wycombe. A few criminals are causing expense, inconvenience and distress to entirely innocent people who often cannot afford the costs imposed. The perpetrators deserve prison. In this video, Wycombe police commander Superintendent Ed McLean explains continuing police operations: While I was an MP, the police […]

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