Thanks to Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools, I can share the following interesting tidbits about you from this past month:

  • You visit from all over the world, excluding most of Africa and the Middle East, but the vast majority of you are Brits.
  • You arrive here in more or less equal thirds from search engines, referring sites and direct visits.
  • Most of you seeing links to my site from Google — 72% — are looking for information on the KTM Superduke or RC8. These are the top two queries in which this site appears and, of the remaining 18 in the top twenty queries, 8 are KTM related.
  • And yet, the average British visitor spends eleven minutes on the site.
  • London, Hinckley and Gloucester provide the most UK visits, spending, on average, 13, 2 and 4 minutes on the site.
  • Half of you visit only once; about 38% of you have visited 9 or more times.
  • If you browse more than 5 pages, you most likely browse more than 20.
  • Internet Explorer is only your third most popular browser, after Firefox and Safari, although 59% of you use Windows.
  • The most popular page on the site after the default is “About”, but only 12% of you leave from there.

I am humbled that you spend as long here as you do. Thank you and vote Conservative!


One Comment

  1. Update: six Londoners visited yesterday, visiting on average ten pages and spending a little over 24 minutes.

    Either I am much more interesting than I thought, or MI5 are opening files on me…