Glorious weather failed to bless our Patrons’ party on Friday evening: the rain of the past few weeks fell hard.  Thank goodness we are British, shivering only slightly under cover outdoors for a successful event.

On Saturday, I was delighted to open Marlow Bottom’s 40th Rose Carnival, which was a roaring success. I discovered Park Lodge Judo Jujitsu Kai which offers the “Mother Art” of martial sports. Practical self-defence is one skill on offer but the heavy staffs pictured are for a more active purpose:

Either way, I’m minded that Jujitsu could come in handy if politics gets much rougher…

Finally, Beth and I much enjoyed a visit to Buckinghamshire Armed Forces Day, arriving in time for a Spitfire display and an exquisitely slow performance by Tiger Moths, pictured:

Today was sweltering as summer returned and it’s looking like a beautiful week ahead…

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