Tomorrow, the BBC Radio 4 programme Analysis features Jamie Whyte’s Keeping the Free Market Faith at 20:30:
The financial crisis has made many on the political right question their faith in free market capitalism. Jamie Whyte is unaffected by such doubts. The financial crisis, he argues, was caused by too much state interference and an unhealthy collusion between government and corporate power.
Interviewees include Luigi Zingales, author of Capitalism for the People: Recapturing the Lost Genius of American Prosperity and a professor at Chicago Booth School of Business.
After seeing Jamie in the week, I particularly look forward to his interviews with Conservative colleagues: as anyone who follows this site knows, I am convinced we are in a crisis of state intervention.
I have just heard this and my ears are burning and the scales have fallen from my eyes.
Whyte presents, among others, Greg Barker, Ferdinand Mount, and Andrea Leadsome declaring themselves to be in favour of “better regulation”, supporting national champions etc.. Heath himself could not have done better.
God help us if these are considered exemplars of free market conservatism.
Misremembered – apologies to Greg Barker, I should have said Matthew Hancock.