By convention, the MP for Wycombe leads prayers in All Saints’ Church on Remembrance Day and I feel privileged to be allowed to continue the tradition. These are the prayers I used today:

Let us give thanks for those who, in the day of decision,
ventured their all for the liberty that we now enjoy.
May we strive to maintain freedom in our nation, in Europe and in the world, and to safeguard the peace which was won at such cost.

May God give peace

Let us pray for all national leaders,
That they may have the wisdom to know, and the courage to do, what is right;
For all men and women, that their hearts may be turned to God in the search for righteousness and truth;
For those who are working for peace between nations, that they may find the true way of reconciliation.

May God give peace

Let us remember before God those who suffer as a result of war:
The injured and the disabled,
The homeless and the hungry,
All who have lost their livelihood and security,
Those who mourn the loss of husband or wife, children or parents, friends and comrades,
And especially we pray for those who have no hope in Christ to sustain them in their grief.

May God give peace

Lord God, grant our prayer that as so may died for peace,
We may live for peace,
For the sake of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ our Lord


There was a high turnout today under a beautiful, crystal clear sky. All Saints’ new vicar, Rev Hugh Ellis, an ex-RAF navigator, delivered a brilliant address which celebrated the values we all hold dear. The years may roll by but the debt we owe is not forgotten.

One Comment

  1. Peter Manousakos

    In my three years living here as a Canadian ex-pat, Remembrance Day is the one day where Canadians and their British brothers and sisters unite so seamlessly.