Next week, on 10 June, as part of NHS Medical Director Sir Bruce Keogh’s nationwide inquiry into mortality rates, a review team led by Regional and Medical Directors of NHS England will arrive to investigate Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. The purpose of the visit is to examine why the Trust has high mortality rates and establish what can be done to improve the standard of care for patients. It is expected to last 2-3 days.

Meetings to canvas opinion from members of the public will be held on Monday 10 June from 6-8pm at The Gateway Aylesbury Vale District Council, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP19 8FF, and Tuesday 11 June from 6-8pm at Wycombe Hospital Education Centre, Wycombe Hospital, Alexandra Road, Wycombe HP11 2TT.

Booking is required to confirm attendance at each event and can be made by calling 01494 734835 or emailing

I met with Sir Bruce in April and he made it clear that public feedback is both a welcome and essential part of the inquiry process.

I know the strength of feeling many constituents have about services in Wycombe. This is an opportunity for all members of the public to engage directly with senior healthcare officials and offer their opinions of health services in Buckinghamshire. I strongly encourage everyone who is able to attend one of the meetings.

Ultimately, the more people who attend, the more accurate the picture of the problems faced by patients in Buckinghamshire will be for Sir Bruce’s team. This will make it easier for them to require the necessary changes.

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