Via Bucks County Council:

Letter seeking leave to appear before the Committee to ask what plans the Committee has for the scrutiny of local acute services and their interaction with care for the chronically ill.
Click for letter to Chairman

Changes to health services in Buckinghamshire will come under the microscope at a Council meeting next week – and the public is being urged to tune in to watch the discussions.

The county Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee will be sitting down with NHS officials on Friday July 12 to review the progress made by the Better Healthcare in Bucks programme which led to a restructuring of services last year.

The meeting will be held in public, from 10am at County Hall in Aylesbury, and residents can either attend or watch live over the internet.

Read more here.

The Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee is an independent cross-party body set up to hold the NHS to account. It comprises 11 county and four district councillors from across Buckinghamshire, as well as a representative from Buckinghamshire Healthwatch.

I have written to the Chairman, Lin Hazell, seeking leave to appear before the Committee to ask what plans the Committee has for the scrutiny of local acute services and their interaction with care for the chronically ill. Everyone matters, but it may be that the use of acute units to treat the chronically ill is having deep knock-on effects.

Download that letter here. I enclosed a written submission setting out in more detail my constituents’ concerns, their context and a range of possible questions which the Committee might consider. Download that document here: 20130701-HASCsubmission-SJB-FINAL.

To watch next week’s meeting, log in to or attend Mezzanine room 2, County Hall in Walton Street, Aylesbury at 10am on July 12.

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