Via Bucks Healthcare:
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has announced a £5 million investment to create an additional 150 nursing posts across the Trust. Part of the investment will enable senior staff to spend more time supporting and developing nursing practice.
This investment package will fund these additional posts on an ongoing basis, ensuring that the Trust relies less heavily on agency staff and more staff can be recruited on a permanent basis.
Already, 70 nurses have been recruited and a further 97 nurses will be starting employment by April.
The Trust is holding a number of recruitment days over the coming months to attract nursing talent to Buckinghamshire. The Trust is also working closely with local Universities. Open days for nurses interested in joining the Trust are taking place Stoke Mandeville hospital and Wycombe hospital on the following dates:
Saturday 22 February:
Staff nurse open day, post graduate centre, Stoke Mandeville Hospital 10am – 3pm
Monday 24 February
Treatment centre open day, Chilterns Medical Education Centre, Wycombe Hospital 10am – 3pm
Saturday 1 March
Medical wards open day, post graduate centre, Stoke Mandeville Hospital 10am – 3pm
Thursday 13 March
Theatres open day, Wycombe Hospital 10am – 3pm