From Rt Hon Dame Cheryl Gillan MP, Steve Baker MP, Rob Butler MP,                                     Joy Morrissey MP, Greg Smith MP

Coronavirus is having a huge impact on everyone.  Our thoughts are first and foremost with the families and loved ones of those who have died or are unwell. Many people’s lives are changing – whether it is working from home, self-isolating, not going to school or finding empty shelves in the supermarket.

We know that this is a very worrying time.

As your local MPs, we are here to help in any way we can. Each of us has heard from local residents and businesses affected by coronavirus, and we have all dedicated our staff to giving these queries their top priority. We are also making sure that ministers know about the challenges you are facing.

We are in regular contact with the local NHS and Bucks County Council, who are leading the direct response to coronavirus in our area. They are doing an absolutely brilliant job and we pay tribute to all the health service and council staff who are working day and night.

But we can all play our part to help, too, in 3 ways:

  1. Follow the government guidelines. The best way to halt the virus is to stop it spreading, and the best way to do that is by social distancing. So if you possibly can, work from home, don’t mix with other people and wash your hands frequently with soap and water. If you’re especially vulnerable, please take very seriously the advice on shielding. If you’re young, please remember you can spread the virus too – so Stay Home, Stay Safe
  2. Shop sensibly. Please do not stockpile. There is enough food for everyone, if everyone behaves responsibly. Enough loo roll and paracetamol, too, if we only buy what is necessary. And please, please remember that the people saving lives and helping others need to eat too – we can all help if we leave food in the shops for them, and only buy what we need now
  3. Stay calm. Most of us have never known anything like this, and it’s natural to be concerned. But most people who get coronavirus will have a few days feeling unwell, and will then completely recover.

Over the coming weeks, we will all have to make more changes to our daily lives; sometimes in ways we couldn’t have imagined. But if we all cooperate, all help each other, all take care of ourselves through this crisis, life will return to normal. As your local MPs in Buckinghamshire, we promise to play our part however we can.

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