In today’s interview with Wycombe Sound I mentioned a number of links and said I would publish them on my social media pages and website to ensure everyone has access to the correct information. You can hear the interview here:

A summary of where to find accurate and up-to-date information on Coronavirus:

The Governments plans to support jobs:

Government support for the Self-Employed:

Government support for Businesses:

A blog I wrote saying a huge thank you to Sabeti Wain Arospace, a local business, who are now making scrubs for our local NHS after I put them in touch with NHS leaders:

A blog post from our local health provider outlining the fact that NHS services are still available and safe to use during Coronavirus.

The Governments homepage for all information and updates relating to Coronavirus:

The NHS homepage for all information and updates relating to Coronavirus:

A video from me wishing all my constituents Ramadan Mubarak:

A blog from Public Health England on staying at home during Ramadan:

A link to the main Treasury Select Committee website:

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