What I have been up to this week #Working4Wycombe:
- Secured the future of driving tests in High Wycombe. You can watch the Adjournment Debate I led in full here: https://www.facebook.com/SteveBakerWycombe/videos/757902101486418
- Welcomed £12m of investment in our high street. You can read about what this substantial funding will do for High Wycombe in another blog post here: https://www.stevebaker.info/2021/02/debate-on-the-towns-fund/
- Stood with the President of Azad Kashmir & the Pakistan High Commissioner on Kashmir Solidarity Day
- Supported #WorldCancerDay with Cancer Research UK. Read more about the importance of this issue here: https://www.facebook.com/SteveBakerWycombe/photos/a.794839650538800/3953998221289578/
- Heard from our local tourist sector and made representations to the minister
- Met the PM with the 1922 Executive
- Discussed deepening relations among CANZUK countries
- At Treasury Committee, pursued justice for the excluded in the 2021 Budget: https://twitter.com/CommonsTreasury/status/1357315782099804160
- Celebrated the UK seeking to join the world’s most progressive trading arrangement
- Worked through the Covid Recovery Group to beat the disease and reclaim our lives #Road2Recovery
- Learned more about the social consequences of Covid-19 with the Social Justice Caucus
- Appeared on our great local station, Wycombe Sound, to answer questions. You can listen to my interview on their website here: https://wycombesound.org.uk/mpsteve-baker-feb21/
- And as ever, pursued a range of other issues for individuals and our community