Post Tagged with: "FAQ"

Why I rejected Theresa May’s proposed Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration, and the idea of remaining in a Customs Union

I want your vote to count in how we govern ourselves.  I want MPs in Parliament to be free to decide our own laws and policies, reflecting the priorities of citizens and the best interests of this country.   The Prime Minister’s proposed agreement would not allow this to happen: we […]

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Compromise on Terms of Withdrawal

I remain convinced that only two kinds of exit would be consistent with the vote to leave the EU. Either we should leave with a deal of the kind the EU offered us in March 2018, or we should leave and trade on WTO terms whilst tabling a set of […]

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Conservative logo, blue

Party Politics and remaining in the Conservative Party

Some have suggested I leave the Conservative Party to either join another party or establish a new one.  I have no wish to do either and it is not something I am contemplating.  I am a Conservative because I believe the Conservative party, despite all our difficulties, embodies the best […]

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Mapping from Ordnance Survey Election Maps

Future Elections and Party Organisation

I have received a wide range of correspondence, covering the full spectrum of opinion from remaining in the EU after all, whether with or without a further referendum, through accepting the Prime Minister’s deal to leaving without a Withdrawal Agreement and trading on WTO terms.  People have said I should […]

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Should We Have a Second Referendum?

In 2016, the British people were asked whether they wanted to remain in the EU or leave the EU and 33.5 million people freely voted for their preferred option.  Before the referendum was held, I said I would honour the result: I believe for democracy to flourish we must give […]

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Why it is to the UK’s advantage to leave the EU

Looking at the state of politics around Europe, I remain convinced it is to the UK’s advantage to leave the EU. The prospects for our nation are good. For all the high ideals towards which the EU seeks to strive, it is in an existential crisis, as Jean Claude Juncker […]

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Mapping from Ordnance Survey Election Maps

The Referendum Result in the Wycombe Constituency

The EU Referendum was a national vote, counted on council areas and not by constituencies. This means we have the result for Wycombe District but not Wycombe constituency.  Wycombe constituency contains about three fifths of the voters in the District as a whole, with the remainder coming from the Aylesbury, […]

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