Post Tagged with: "Free Trade"

The EU: what next? Presentation to MHA Maclntyre Hudson

On 21 October, MHA Maclntyre Hudson High Wycombe kindly invited me to present ideas on our exit from the EU to a large group of their clients, many of them our local businesses. My slides were as follows: Some of the documents on which I drew may be found here: Business for Britain: […]

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The three essential points of a successful EU renegotiation

Our present relationship with the European Union is untenable. As David Cameron has said, “we need fundamental, far-reaching change”. We are now in a Parliament which will deliver an in/out referendum on our membership after a renegotiation by the Government. The following three points must be achieved if any renegotiation is to be successful: […]

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Introducing the Exporting is GREAT Campaign

UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) has launched a new pilot marketing campaign called Exporting is GREAT that will run throughout May 2013 to help small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) grow internationally. Exporting is GREAT is designed to increase understanding of the benefits of exporting and to drive awareness, and […]

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Commonwealth D-Day

NB: this post is by Tim Hewish, my Parliamentary Researcher, and the views expressed are his own. Commonwealth Day passed the world by yesterday. As a network of nearly a third of the world’s population and with the Queen as its Head, you would think that the British would notice. The […]

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The EU should be abolished

Via Calls for a referendum on EU membership after David Cameron’s U-turn on tax | World news | The Observer: Tory and Labour MPs believe that if the eurozone moves towards a single tax system – as chancellor George Osborne advocated again – then the EU will become a fundamentally […]

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The Commonwealth: No longer a club of the past

NB: this post is by Tim Hewish, my Parliamentary Researcher. Both on the Left and the Right, there is a growing case for Britain to reassess her position in the world. One only needs to look at The Economist’s posters at tube stations and the recent Henry Jackson Society’s report: […]

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How to transform a nation in ten steps

Brought forward. I was challenged last night to advocate flat taxes. Here’s one of my previous posts which does so. Another is here (you will have to forgive the oversize graphs). The Georgian recipe for “an amazing transformation”: Low and flat taxes Legislative commitment to reducing the government’s fiscal footprint […]

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I met today with the excellent think tank OpenEurope, along with other MPs of various parties: Open Europe is an independent think tank, with offices in London and Brussels, set up by some of the UK’s leading business people to contribute bold new thinking to the debate about the direction […]

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Concern as China clamps down on rare earth exports

Another good reason to promote global free trade: Britain and other Western countries risk running out of supplies of certain highly sought-after rare metals that are vital to a host of green technologies, amid growing evidence that China, which has a monopoly on global production, is set to choke off […]

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