Post Tagged with: "HS2"

A Parliamentary Question on HS2

Last week, I had the opportunity to ask the Minister of State at the Department for Transport, Robert Goodwill, a parliamentary question: Mr Steve Baker (Wycombe) (Con): When construction of High Speed 2 is planned to begin. [904027]   The Minister of State, Department for Transport (Mr Robert Goodwill): A […]

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New report: HS2 alternatives from the 51m Alliance

The 51m Alliance of nineteen local authorities opposed to HS2 (including Bucks County Council) have recently launched their ‘Alternative Investment Strategy’. It challenges the current DfT rationale of ‘capacity’ being the main reason for HS2 and proposes a comprehensive package of national investment in infrastructure to rebalance the nation’s economy. In […]

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HS2 update

Earlier today, Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee released its latest report on the early programme preparation of High Speed Rail 2. The report draws into sharp focus the spiraling costs of the programme and the weak case for it: The Department for Transport has not yet presented a convincing case for […]

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Bucks County pledge extra £3m on local road repairs

The Conservative-run County Council has announced a one-off £3 million addition to this year’s £25m budget for road maintenance in Buckinghamshire. Many people have voiced their concern over the state of Wycombe’s roads. This move by the County Council should start to improve matters. As a frequent road user in […]

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M40 noise – no wonder people worry about HS2

Beth and I had the opportunity for an early walk this morning from West Wycombe to Lane End. The Chilterns were stunning, but we were reminded how intrusive M40 noise can be. This video gives an indication. The M40 Chiltern Environmental Group represent residents on this issue. The M40 emerged from our […]

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Cheryl Gillan MP: After the West Coast Main Line trouble, the case for HS2 needs to be fundamentally re-examined Comment

The decision earlier this week by the Transport Secretary, Patrick McLoughlin, to scrap the West Coast Main Line contract has brought into question the overall integrity of the Department for Transport’s decision-making process. With this in mind, I believe that a root and branch re-examination of the whole of the […]

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HS2: Update

I have continuously campaigned against a second state-funded high speed rail programme. It is slowly transpiring that the business case is collapsing. The benefit cost ratio (BCR) for phase 1 has fallen from 2.4 in March 2010 to just 1.2 today and 1.4 for the whole of the Y spur […]

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Justine Greening must review HS2 in the public interest

I’m grateful to StopHS2 for drawing my attention to this video of the Public Accounts Committee hearing at which it was revealed HS2 has a Cabinet Office Major Projects Authority status of red/amber: As The Guardian reported: The latest figures issued by the HS2 high-speed rail scheme have revised down […]

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