Post Tagged with: "Immigration"

Letter to Immigration Minister

I have recently become aware that there are increasing delays with the Tribunal service when ruling on constituent immigration cases and communicating decisions. In order to address this issue, I have written to the Immigration Minister, James Brokenshire MP. I have highlighted a number of concerns held by constituents, specifically regarding […]

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The three essential points of a successful EU renegotiation

Our present relationship with the European Union is untenable. As David Cameron has said, “we need fundamental, far-reaching change”. We are now in a Parliament which will deliver an in/out referendum on our membership after a renegotiation by the Government. The following three points must be achieved if any renegotiation is to be successful: […]

Read More / World – No more red tape, pleads business

But it is not just business which is suffering from Government intervention: Gordon Brown on Tuesday set out a raft of measures designed to stop British society fracturing during the recession, ranging from curbs on immigration and a crackdown on benefit cheats to restrictions on betting and cheap alcohol, writes […]

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