Tomorrow, I am speaking at an IEA conference on Christianity, politics, the poor and the planet, addressing Christianity and inequality: Christianity and inequality Churches have always been concerned about the problem of poverty even if there are differences in views about how it should be tackled. However, in recent years, despite inequality […]
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Engineering, politics, Labour and reality
As I sit here on the train, reading a book on ethics, I am mindful of being an engineer in politics. Engineers are quintessentially pragmatic. We get things done, in the circumstances we face, with the resources we have. We may accept falling short of perfection, but we deliver things which […]
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Good intentions, of course. Chris Huhne proposes to introduce a bill to repeal the legislation that has stripped away our rights. So far, so good: There has always been a problem for civil libertarians. The sacrifices of freedoms made by successive governments often seem small, particularly when they are pushed […]
Read House prices show sharpest monthly fall since 1992
More housing market woe: The FT House Price Index recorded a drop of 1.3 per cent in August, the single largest monthly fall since October 1992, according to the latest figures released on Friday. This article places the problem into another perspective, that of the Austrian School of economics: The […]
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