Tomorrow, I am speaking at an IEA conference on Christianity, politics, the poor and the planet, addressing Christianity and inequality:
Christianity and inequality
Churches have always been concerned about the problem of poverty even if there are differences in views about how it should be tackled. However, in recent years, despite inequality in the world falling, there have been an increasing number of critics of the “rich” and of the level of inequality.
This panel will discuss the approaches Christians should take to reducing poverty and whether we should be concerned about inequality as such or simply the position of the poor. The focus will be on the poor in richer countries.
Christianity and the environment
The pope recently published an encyclical letter on the environment whilst most Christians would agree that we should “care for the common home” there was little acknowledgement in the encyclical of trade-offs, the way in which globalisation and free trade has lifted many out of poverty, or the possibility that adaptation might be better than trying to stop global warming.
This panel will discuss the appropriate Christian attitude towards the environment and the policies that should be adopted to continue the exceptional recent history of poverty reduction
Previously, I wrote for BMS World Mission, arguing for the market economy as the best way to help people out of poverty.
If you would like to attend this short conference tomorrow, 21 October 2015 at 2.00pm at the IEA, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1 (door on Great Peter Street), please RSVP here.
Maybe the Christian thing was not to vote for further austerity measures including cutting tax benefits for “HARD WORKING FAMILIES”. As seen on Question Time last week.
However that’s what you voted for.