Post Tagged with: "Schools"

Steve Baker outside Lane End Primary School

Wycombe’s Schools are Safer with the Conservatives

Since becoming Wycombe’s MP in 2010, schools and our education system have always been a key area of my work. From my time speaking with pupils at local schools, hosting students in Parliament, or putting the concerns of headteachers to the Government, I know how important our diverse schools are […]

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Record School Funding for Wycombe

We all know how important education is to ensure a bright future for our young people and our community. Whether it was speaking at local schools, hosting students in Parliament, or raising the concerns of headteachers with Government, I have always made supporting and improving the schools in our area […]

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House of Commons prayer card reading "Wycombe"

“What has Steve Baker ever done for Wycombe?”

It has been an honour to work for Wycombe since I was first elected in 2010 as its MP. Whether it is running around West Wycombe, seeing a performance at the Wycombe Swan Theatre, exploring our beautiful countryside, or enjoying the culinary delights that our diverse community brings, it has […]

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Update on the Department for Education’s ‘Get Help With Technology’ Programme

At the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, IT equipment was rolled out rapidly by the Department for Education to deliver an ambitious programme, enabling children to access remote education. A group of leading IT service providers and equipment manufacturers rose to the challenge – working with the Government to achieve […]

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£4000 for every primary school student

Supporting every child – schools

Every child should have the chance to succeed in life. And that starts with access to a good school place, no matter their background or where they live. That’s why we are increasing school funding by £14 billion over the next three years, with those areas historically underfunded receiving the […]

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Update on Penn School

I have taken a close interest in developments relating to Penn School. I agree with many of my constituents that the administration of the failed Rayners Special Education Trust and the future use of the school site are matters of public interest. I have no direct authority over either the administration […]

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Autumn Budget 2017: How the Budget helps Wycombe People

The Chancellor presented his Budget to Parliament yesterday. Many of the Budget measures will positively benefit Wycombe, including The abolition of stamp duty land tax on homes under £300,000 for first-time buyers, New financial support for house building over the next five years, Increases in the National Living and National Minimum Wage, […]

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Academies enhance self-government: why not go co-operative?

I am grateful to everyone who wrote to me over the Government’s potential plans to complete the process of turning all schools into academies by, at the end, forcing schools which do not choose for themselves to convert. Academies are one of the few things Labour got right, blazing the […]

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Cressex Community School Ofsted Report

At the beginning of July, Cressex Community School underwent an Ofsted inspection. The School was previously graded as ‘requiring improvement’ in October 2012, so I am delighted that the result was ‘good’. The report states that “the improvement in students’ achievement is a direct result of the school’s drive to […]

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