I am trying to work out what would be the best use of inevitably limited time in tomorrow’s banking debate.

This particularly came to mind, via The Theory of Money and Credit by Ludwig von Mises:

The business of banking falls into two distinct branches: the negotiation of credit through the loan of other people’s money and the granting of credit through the issue of fiduciary media, that is, notes and bank balances that are not covered by money. Both branches of business have always been closely connected. They have grown up on a common historical soil, and nowadays are still often carried on together by the same firm. This connection cannot be ascribed to merely external and accidental factors; it is founded on the peculiar nature of fiduciary media, and on the historical development of the business of banking. Nevertheless, the two kinds of activity must be kept strictly apart in economic theory; for only by considering each of them separately is it possible to understand their nature and functions. The unsatisfactory results of previous investigations into the theory of banking are primarily attributable to inadequate consideration of the fundamental difference between them.

Plugging on…

One Comment

  1. Talking about an Eric Cantona inspired deliberate and coordinated run on the banks might raise a few eyebrows.
    Ending casino gulag mark to make believe banking may be in the interest of the political elite if it can prevent collapse and popular revolution (where the lives of slimy corporatist politicians may literally be at risk).