
Comment on business today: see also

Featured Wycombe business: Origin

Our town’s motto is Industria Ditat – “industry enriches”. Industry in the broadest sense brings prosperity and fulfilment to our lives: it is industry which made High Wycombe great. With that in mind, I was delighted to visit Origin, an innovative and growing family firm which manufactures bi-fold doors, windows […]

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Budget 2014 passes the business test, says BCC

Via email, Giving his reaction to the Budget 2014, John Longworth Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) said: “Business wanted a Budget that was disciplined, focused, and geared towards the creation of wealth and jobs – and that’s what the Chancellor has delivered. “With a huge confidence […]

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The Government has exceeded its target to identify 3,000 regulations to be amended or scrapped

Via Number 10, Supporting business: David Cameron announces new plans: In a speech to the Federation of Small Businesses, the Prime Minister will tell the audience that the government has exceeded its target to identify 3,000 regulations to be amended or scrapped. This is the first government in modern history to reduce […]

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PovertyCure — From Aid to Enterprise

A fascinating video from PovertyCure on aid and enterprise: I particularly identified with: Having a heart for the poor isn’t hard. We have a mind for the poor. We will never reconcile all opinion about how to help the poor but there is far more unity than is generally believed over […]

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Bucks: The 2nd fastest growing economy in the UK

Bucks’ Local Enterprise Partnership kindly gave me an update on how Buckinghamshire people are advancing the UK’s recovery. Buckinghamshire’s private sector is driving the economy forward. Bucks delivered the 2nd fastest growing economy in the UK, we are on top for skills and we have the lowest public sector employment […]

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Speech on the “Green Investment Bank”

A speech in committee on the so-called Green Investment Bank, which appears to have had a greater impact than I had forseen: 4.45 pm Steve Baker (Wycombe) (Con): I fear that we are, once again, gathered together to make our constituents poorer and to promote special-interest rent seeking. I am […]

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New report: HS2 alternatives from the 51m Alliance

The 51m Alliance of nineteen local authorities opposed to HS2 (including Bucks County Council) have recently launched their ‘Alternative Investment Strategy’. It challenges the current DfT rationale of ‘capacity’ being the main reason for HS2 and proposes a comprehensive package of national investment in infrastructure to rebalance the nation’s economy. In […]

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