Natural world

Nature and the natural world

New Report: Shale Gas Shock Challenges Climate and Energy Policies

Via the GWPF, a new report – Shale Gas Shock Challenges Climate and Energy Policies: London, 4 May – The Global Warming Policy Foundation today publishes a detailed report about the shale gas revolution and its likely implications for UK and international climate policy. The report The Shale Gas Shock, written by Matt Ridley […]

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ConservativeHome’s Platform: Steve Baker MP: The greatest threat to civilisation is not climate change but bad economics

Over on ConservativeHome, I have responded to one of Paul Goodman’s articles, The dog that didn’t bark on Thursday during Energy questions: So, the greatest problem humanity faces is how to use increasingly scarce natural resources to create greater prosperity for a growing number of people in the context of a […]

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Tick-borne diseases

I just stopped by a stand operated by BADA-UK, explaining the dangers of tick-borne diseases in the UK. The fact that one of the ladies was in a wheelchair was evidence that the problem is non-trivial. You can find out more about defensive measures here. My skin is now crawling – […]

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Blair commits a revolt against reason

So here I am,  back online in our new High Wycombe home, just in time for this revolt against reason: Following the ‘climategate scandal’, Mr Blair said the science may not be “as certain as its proponents allege”. But he said the world should act as a precaution against floods, […]

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Meet the man who has exposed the great climate change con trick | The Spectator

This week, The Spectator writes Meet the man who has exposed the great climate change con trick: James Delingpole talks to Professor Ian Plimer, the Australian geologist, whose new book shows that ‘anthropogenic global warming’ is a dangerous, ruinously expensive fiction, a ‘first-world luxury’ with no basis in scientific fact. […]

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