Reasons people do the wrong work

Why don’t people do the right work? They don’t know what to do. They don’t know how to do it. They don’t have the skills to do it. They don’t have the confidence to do it. You are in their way. All these reasons are management failures. The other reasons […]

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Near miss with a tree

Almost forgot to mention: on that last skydive, the wind picked up and I misjudged my pattern. Narrowly missed trees to land just on the edge of the DZ. About time I improved my landing accuracy.

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Great Skydive

Exited in a backloop at 9500 feet, got stable and practiced turns on arms and legs, in a formation suit with booties. Great fun. Now reaching the stage that I have time on my hands in freefall, even exiting 4000 feet lower than on AFF. Really looking forward to starting […]

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Restored at last

So, the hard drive on my server failed in February – of course I had a backup – and it’s taken me this long to restore my sites. The trouble with working is… March was fairly adventure-free apart from, inevitably, motorcycling. April saw me return to Spain to finish my […]

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Mumbai Meleé

Woa! There it is. Back home now and all we managed to do was work, eat, drink and sleep. We saw the hotel, the office and the route between: not much of an adventure? Yes, the adventure was all on the roads. If there’s light between two vehicles, someone will […]

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This week’s Big Adventure: Mumbai

My current client has placed me in Mumbai (neé Bombay) for a week. It’s now 04:00 here and I’m up at 07:00. Oh dear. India impresses so far. The airport was the most efficient I have ever seen: perhaps 30 sec delay through passport control, then my bags were waiting. […]

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Saab 9-5 Aero vs track

The Hirsch suspension was well worthwhile, but I won’t bother with the engine upgrade: the car can’t put down the power it has now. It’s fine on the road of course, but powering out of bends on the limit with ESP off, you simply spin the power away. Track driving […]

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Hirsch sports suspension

On Friday, the Saab was treated to Hirsch sports suspension: stiffer springs and matching dampers all round, lowering the car 10mm. A great decision. The ride remains comfortable but the car has taken on a whole new taughtness. After 2 years, my 9-5 Aero feels new again and for much […]

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In London, you can tell it’s Christmas!

And not because everyone is being so kind to one another. Yes, all the restaurants are full, all the time. All the roads are chocca, and all the drivers are even more pushy. The scooter riders are worse too, incredibly. One muppet nearly rode into me at a standstill because […]

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