Post Tagged with: "Capitalism"

Meet the man who has exposed the great climate change con trick | The Spectator

This week, The Spectator writes Meet the man who has exposed the great climate change con trick: James Delingpole talks to Professor Ian Plimer, the Australian geologist, whose new book shows that ‘anthropogenic global warming’ is a dangerous, ruinously expensive fiction, a ‘first-world luxury’ with no basis in scientific fact. […]

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George Osborne: A New British Economic Model

A good speech from George Osborne: We should not be satisfied with turning back the clock to how things were before the crisis, or we risk simply pumping the bubble back up. That would mean failing to understand a crucial insight that has become increasingly clear – that the model […]

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Recommended: Pitstop-Racing

Today, I discovered and I am delighted to recommend Pitstop-Racing of Brize Norton. This is a proper workshop, where you can not only get your suspension set expertly for your own style, you can meet the mechanic and have a conversation about camber, toe-in and understeer. This may not matter […]

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Groceries, capitalism and the Third Way

I picked up some groceries today from a large supermarket. It took a while to find the cream cheese among the huge refrigerators full of luxurious food at modest prices. This reminded me of a TV programme just after the Cold War, in which a Russian family visited Britain. The […]

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Fair Trade, bananas and feeding the poor

A rainy Sunday game of Trivial Pursuit provided the claim that bananas are the fourth most important food commodity after rice, wheat and maize in terms of production value. This UN report confirms the fact. And that reminded me of an article in the Journal of The Institute of Economic Affairs, Fair […]

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David Cameron: Capitalism with a conscience

So I think it’s time to update the free market orthodoxy that has dominated the past few decades. It’s time to assert a fundamental truth: that markets are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. Markets are there to serve our society, not to suck the joy […]

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Reconciling ourselves to capitalism

Reflecting on aspects of the debate about capitalism, I picked this out of Liberalism, the Classical Tradition: To advocate private ownership of the means of production is by no means to maintain that the capitalist social system, based on private property, is perfect. There is no such thing as earthly […]

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Carswell on Peston and Corporatism

Peston calls this the “new capitalism”.  This seems to be all about government overseeing big business and public policy-makers directing business.  Not much “new” about this idea, Robert.  It’s called corporatism.  And they tried it in 1920s Italy and elsewhere. via Douglas Carswell MP. It seems that, from generation to generation, […]

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